23Nov 2014

Where there is high financial assets, legal regulation or commodity movement lies corruption; done with different motivations and endgames. Corruption is legally defined as a fraudulent intention to bypass prohibitions of law. Corruption is also defined by abuse of official positions and/or stations with actions contrary to duties and obligations for personal or third party benefits. […]

16Oct 2014

Companies and private individuals are a common target for cyber-criminals and terrorists where a variety of acts such as identity theft, hacking and even ransomware attacks where the entire system is encrypted and the owner is forced to pay ransom for de-cryption. However, this happens not only on land but also in maritime as it […]

17Sep 2014

June 28th 2014 in the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, a pirate skiff approached the vessel TORM SOFIA only to be successfully repelled by the ship’s crew and thus reaching its destination, New York, safely. Piracy is a common obstacle within the maritime industry with many vessels falling victim to this very obstacle, making entrance […]

11Sep 2014

MT Fairchem Bogey, a chemical tanker was hijacked back in 2011 at port in the Gulf of Oman while sailing under the Marshall Islands flag, 21 Indian sailors were on board. It was hijacked by Somali pirates who boarded the vessel ferrying a cattle load, while being anchored and it was unclear whether the ship […]

30Jun 2014

Piracy is nowadays, compared to terrorism due to certain factors being shared such as hostage taking, setting of demands/ ransoms but the main difference among the two phenomena is that terrorism usually exists in established states that are under control and jurisdiction of a legal system presented by the government of those states; thus terrorists […]

30Jun 2014

Maritime Piracy is a serious and prominent issue for the maritime industry which is common on the coast of Somalia and on the rise in the Gulf of Guinea. Pirate attacks, though reduced significantly, are still a threat and thus worry European ship owners leading them to call on the EU parliament and council of ministers; […]